Sunday, July 15, 2012

Liturgical Prayer Ropes!!!

I've pointed out in one of my previous posts that it is the Byzantine tradition to pray the Jesus Prayer in place of the Divine Office or Liturgy of the Hours when participation in the Hours is simply impossible. I've also seen elsewhere that praying the Jesus Prayer can replace attendance at Divine Liturgy when such attendance is impossible for legitimate reasons. In an attempt to reorient us towards a more liturgical "usage" of the Jesus Prayer - and in order to highlight that all prayer is first Liturgical because it is in the Liturgical life of the Church that our Mother, the Church, teaches us how to pray - I've decided to start making prayer ropes according to the liturgical colors of the Byzantine Church year for folks who are interested in having these small reminders of the Mysteries we celebrate in the Liturgy.

The colors to be made available are as follows:

Light Blue
Dark Red
Dark Blue
Dark Green

You'll notice that black will still be very much available as this is the "traditional" color of the prayer rope. It is also a color that is used during Great Lent.

In a future post I plan on explaining which colors go with which liturgical seasons, but I thought I'd get the ball rolling on this just in case anyone is interested in "liturgical" prayer ropes.

Incidentally, August is coming up. During August we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mt. Tabor. The liturgical color for the feast would be Gold or White. :)


  1. What an interesting idea.

    I just doubt I could keep up with all the color changes or would be using the wrong color some day. There are people much better organized than I and I am certain they would benefit from liturgical color prayer ropes.

  2. I am eager to read the explanations of colors for the various seasons! Looking forward to future posts!

  3. I bought some parachute cord today. Makes for some large knots but easy to tie. Very cool.

  4. I've thought about using paracord, but figured the knots would be a little too big. How's it working out, Tom?
